INILAH.COM, Tokyo - Berendam di air panas saat cuaca dingin memang nyaman. Berdasar studi terbaru, kebiasaan ini bisa berujung fatal. Gagal jantung mengintai pemilik kebiasaan ini.
Studi tim peneliti yang dipimpim Chika Nishiyama dari Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine School of Nursing ini mengungkapkan, kasus gagal jantung saat mandi meningkat 10 kali lipat di musim dingin dibandingkan musim panas.
Fakta ini penting bagi masyarakat Jepang, mengingat sebagian besar penduduknya senang mandi air panas selama berjam-jam guna menenangkan diri setelah sibuk beraktifitas.
Di Jepang, banyak orang berlama-lama mandi air panas karena rumah tradisional Jepang tak tertutup dengan baik layaknya rumah di Barat. "Selain itu, alat pemanas yang ada jarang digunakan," papar Nishiyama. Seperti dikutip Straits Times.
Nishiyama dan tim menggunakan data 11.000 kasus gagal jantung 2005-2007 di prefektur Osaka barat sebagai dasar studi. Berdasarkan data itu, 22% kasus terjadi dalam keadaan tidur dan 9% saat sedang mandi. Sekitar 3% mengalami gagal jantung saat beraktivitas kerja dan 0,5% saat sedang berolahraga.
Diketahui, sebanyak 54 kasus gagal jantung pada 10 juta orang terjadi saat sedang berendam. Kemudian, 10 kasus dari 10 juta orang terjadi saat berolahraga. [mor]
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
Minggu, 01 Mei 2011
Israel has long been having secret nuclear reactor for the purpose of crime
Israel has had and continues to build a nuclear reactor, the UN watchdog says
through the Secretary General of the IAEA confirms suggestions made in the previous inspectors report that allegedly hit the structure built by Israel in 1967 so that it can be a reactor in the development of atomic power facilities.
Suspected nuclear facilities Israel would be used to attack neighboring countries
Chief UN nuclear watchdog said the fact that Israel has and continues to build a nuclear reactor plutonium materials obtained from its allies that the United States and Britain, after years dispekulasi by the international community.
Target is suspected nuclear reactor in the desert hills of Al Mageddo in October 1967 is actually the reactor under construction, said the secretary general of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Israel denies that this reactor construction workers suspected of using its nuclear facilities and rejected accusations that it is a secret atomic activities.
Previous IAEA report has suggested that the structure could have hit the reactor has been used as nuclear weapons of mass destruction, but always covered by the people of the United Nations and Western countries as allies.
through the Secretary General of the IAEA confirms suggestions made in the previous inspectors report that allegedly hit the structure built by Israel in 1967 so that it can be a reactor in the development of atomic power facilities.
Suspected nuclear facilities Israel would be used to attack neighboring countries
Chief UN nuclear watchdog said the fact that Israel has and continues to build a nuclear reactor plutonium materials obtained from its allies that the United States and Britain, after years dispekulasi by the international community.
Target is suspected nuclear reactor in the desert hills of Al Mageddo in October 1967 is actually the reactor under construction, said the secretary general of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Israel denies that this reactor construction workers suspected of using its nuclear facilities and rejected accusations that it is a secret atomic activities.
Previous IAEA report has suggested that the structure could have hit the reactor has been used as nuclear weapons of mass destruction, but always covered by the people of the United Nations and Western countries as allies.